The BluPass

Because naturally acquired immunity is real and must be recognized
Learn MoreGet Your BluPass

Strength in Science
Strength in Natural Immunity
Strength in Numbers

Our goal is to create and promote the recognition of the community of individuals with naturally acquired immunity from the Covid-19 virus. This immunity is recognized as the body’s strongest defense against re-acquiring the virus and should carry as much if not more weight than the vaccines. Our purpose is to provide independent party verification of Covid-19 antibodies and a publicly accepted identification system so that people with natural immunity can function in society just like people who carry vaccine cards.

We reference current studies for the purpose of education to raise awareness of natural immunity. We need to curb, change and create public policy through the empowerment of our members. We will accomplish this through certifying a Covid-19 Antibody Test Verification, or Blupass, which shows verification of Covid-19 antibodies in your system. Become part of this movement.

Individual and group empowerment is the key for recognition and change.

What is natural immunity?

When someone catches SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, their body triggers a natural immune response, which involves the production of antibodies by B cells that fight off the infection and activation of T-cells, which in turn, attack virus-infected cells.

Can I have antibodies if I have only had the vaccine and not contracted Covid-19?

Studies show that the vaccine does help the body develop antibodies, as does contracting Covid-19. A simple blood test can determine if you have these antibodies.

How will people recognize my immunity?

Once tested for antibodies, we at BluPass issue a Covid-19 Antibody status verification card that can be used publically to show antibody status.

How can I help my local community recognize the BluPass natural immunity card?

We are just beginning to make an impact and help educate the world on natural immunity to Covid-19. Click below to see how you can help.

How do I tell if I possibly have the Covid-19 antibodies?

A positive antibody test result shows you may have antibodies from a previous infection or from vaccination for the virus that causes COVID-19.

How to get tested for natural immunity to CoVid?

Laboratories across the country can test your blood for the presence of Covid-19 antibodies. We offer a guide to where to find labs in your area.

Do people have antibodies without having Covid-19 or a vaccine?

To have antibodies in your system, you must have contracted the Covid-19 virus or have been vaccinated. Studies show that some people are asymptomatic  and don’t even know that they have had exposure to the virus.

What entities currently recognize natural immunity protection?

Local businesses and government organizations are just starting to acknowledge the role that antibodies play in natural immunity protection. We need your help to spread the word.

Every business needs to recognize immunity

The CoVid 19 vaccines are not the only form of protection to CoVid 19. Natural immunity is shown to be up to 27 times more effective than any of the vaccines in some studies. It is time that the public begins to understand and accept that immunity is the goal everyone is looking for. So many millions of people have immunity, but not all of them are vaccinated.

The goal of the Covid-19 vaccines is to protect the individuals that need protection from the effects of infection and potentially slow down the spread. With the latest variants, breakthrough infections are now all but commonplace and many people are becoming re-infected and spreading the disease, even those vaccinated.

Banning people with natural immunity from businesses and schools is pure ignorance and a lack of understanding of the disease. Those who have already developed antibodies against Covid-19 are as much if not more protected than those who are vaccinated, says the CDC.

Get your BluPass… How it works

Here is a simple overview of how you get your BluPass

Take a Covid-19 antibody test

Quick and easy, under $70 at most places that offer it. We offer a discount also.

Register here and submit your test results

If your test shows antibodies, submit your test to us to open your account here.

Download to phone or print your BluPass card

Like the current vaccine cards, you can print the BluPass card yourself or show it on your phone.

BluPass Card Carriers

States where BluPass customers are

Times/hour a new BluPass member registers

Our Pricing

BluPass Membership

Once your uploaded test verified, you are issued a BluPass account, and a printable and downloadable image of your BluPass card will be availale.

Your BluPass card will appear in your account once your antibpdy test is verified by our staff (usually 24-48 hours or less).

$19.95 US

One-time fee